Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fresh Love

Recently, I seem to have been involved in a lot of "theological" discussions about various doctrines, like the "Trinity," millenial views, doctrines of grace, end times, and cessation of the Gifts of the Spirit - just to name a few. I hear people passionately debate and genuinely question a wide variety of opinions. The great thing is that this usually drives people to the Bible. Unfortunately, they tend to make certain passages proof texts for their position and miss the balance of its entirety and life giving nature of its intent.

There is certainly a place for such discussion, but I'm always concerned when a doctrinal position becomes one's passion and purpose for ministry. As someone once said, "When one doctrine becomes 'The' doctrine, it is heresy." I sense that is behind Paul's first letter to the Corinthians. He says things like, "He who glories, let him glory in the Lord" (1:31) and "I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (2:2).

In a time of turmoil and uncertainty with wars and economic crises filling the headlines, it is easy to be distracted by current events and discussions. We as Christians need to make sure first of all that we can say with Paul the one thing we know is Jesus Christ and the payment of redemption He made for us. I pray we will be drawn to the Bible for the purpose of knowing Him more deeply and then find ourselves "taken" with Him as one is with the focus of fresh love.