Saturday, April 25, 2009

Total Victory

When God sent His people into battle, He commanded total victory. The early chapters of Deuteronomy give several examples of this. Unfortunately, many of us fail to follow through to total victory. We are like Achan (Joshua 7) who kept something back rather than destroying it or turning it over to the Lord.

We do fight a scheming enemy (Ephesians 6) whose job description is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). We must gain total victory, or we will find ourselves fighting the same battles over and over. We must not hide (deny), ignore, or placate the enemy. We are to defeat Him with the sword of the Spirit (the Word by which we live and act) and accepting the victory that Jesus has already won in His death and resurrection.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Short-Term Memory Is A Choice

As I get older, I find myself sometimes struggling to remember pretty simple things that happened in the recent past. I believe I was right when I told others who went before me that it is not a loss of memory or signs of age, but it is like a computer that needs to have some things deleted, be defragmented, and stop running so many programs at once.

But there is another issue of short-term memory that keeps popping up. It can be seen among the Children of Israel during their wilderness experience. It is a painful truth for all of us. Even though God had delivered them from Pharoah at the Red Sea, from hunger with manna, and from thirst by striking a rock, they seemed to have forgotten these miracles when it was time to enter the Promised Land. He had said He would go before them and fight to defeat the giant-like enemies. In Deut. 1:32 Moses sums it up with, "Yet, for all that (He did) you did not believe the Lord your God."

It should not be a struggle to move forward faithfully according to His directives, when we remember the ways that God has lead us and provided for us in the past. Short-term memory is a choice and I chose to remember all the ways God has lead, blessed, fought and provided for me over and over in the past. AND it is a day to move forward!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Forty Years Ago

Today I began a new study of the book of Deuteronomy. One of the first things is a recounting of the fact that it took 40 years to make an 11 day journey. I stopped to think back 40 years ago. I was preparing to be ordained into the Gospel Ministry on May 12.

Over the last 40 years I have done a lot of ministry, but I wouldn't call it Gospel Ministry. Oh, it has been as a pastor/teacher in the church/ counselor/minister, but not always a Minister of the Gospel preaching the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with His provision of entrance into that Kingdom and the absolute commitment to God as Lord/Master over every aspect of life. Only in recent years have I fully grasped the Lordship of Christ, even though I've preached it a lot longer than that.

There is incredible peace, freedom and hope in truly being in the Kingdom where He is King. I don't know how long He will allow me to preach the Gospel, but I pray I will take advantage of every day He gives me to do it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Commitment to the Lord

A year or so ago Ignace Augustin from Haiti made a comment that painted a picture of true commitment to the Lord that so many do not have. He was describing the total commitment that Haitians make because they are coming out of vodoo and darkness. Like Muslims and others they truly make a 100% commitment to the Lord that can cost them family, friends, jobs, and maybe even their lives. There is such a turnaround in their lives that they become a living picture of being a "new creation in Christ."

Recently I listened to a teaching by John MacArthur that reminded me of the true 100% commitment to Christ. He stated that most times the New Testament uses the term "bondservant" or servant, it is a mistranslation of the Greek word "doulos," which is slave. The mistranslation comes from the stigma attached to the word slave because of the autrocities of slavery. However, it is the biblical concept of true commitment to Christ, who is not a typical slave "owner," but is the Master who loves, provides for, honors, educates, protects and blesses His slaves.

It made me pull out my Greek resources and check everytime I see the word servant or bondservant. It also made me check my commitment to the Lord. MacArthur's message is called "Slaves of Christ."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Standing Under a Spiritual Umbrella

During a worship time at a Master Builder's regional fellowship yesterday, I was led to Rom. 5:1-5 and prayed that we all would learn to "glory in tribulations" so that we would have perseverance, character and hope. This is predicated upon "the grace of God in which we stand" (v. 2).

In a time when a lot of people are struggling to have peace and hope there is a need to learn to celebrate (glory) in the midst of our struggles (tribulations). We celebrate the peace we have through Christ, the grace we have through faith, and the love of God through the Holy Spirit.

We are often missing an emphasis on the third element - receiving the Holy Spirit. He has been poured out, but so many have been standing in the rain under a big golf umbrella resisting what God is doing. He must be received in order to complete peace and hope. After all the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) includes love, joy and peace.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Great Unifier

Paul's declaration in Galatians 3:26-29 has always meant so much to me about God loving the whole world and our heritage in Hebrew experience. It says:
For you are ALL sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

The diversity of people is seen around the Passion. Barabbas, the convicted felon whose place Jesus took in crucifixion, has a name that indicates his family background. "Bar" means "son of" and "abba" means father. He was "the son of a father" not named because he probably wasn't known. Simon of Cyrene was from Northern Africa and could have easily been a black man who had the honor of carrying the cross of Christ. Joseph of Arimathea is thought to have been a part of the Jewish Sanhedrin, but is named as a rich disciple of Jesus.

There is a place for all of us as "sons of God through faith." As the Savior, Jesus is also the Great Unifier. Ancestry, race, criminal record, wealth, gender are all meaningless in the Kingdom of God.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

The Hebrew celebration of "The Feast of Unleavened Bread" involves taking all the "leaven" out of the house. While we understand "leaven" as yeast that makes bread rise, it is also representative of sin that "infects" our lives.

Today is "Good Friday" and I think I'll spend the day looking at things to take out of my life and take them to the cross of Christ asking forgiveness, freedom and new life.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Day to Act Boldly

In reading the 25th chapter of Matthew there are two parables about the Kingdom that probably seem unfair on the surface to some people. The 5 foolish virgins missed out on the wedding because they were not properly prepared. The fact is that they had the example of 5 wise virgins, if they had chosen to follow it. The 5 wise virgins did their job and did not give up their responsibility to fulfill a purpose for the wedding by taking care of the foolish virgins. So many people miss out because they take responsibility for those who made foolish choices. We have a responsibility to act wisely, model it for others, and then fulfill our purpose without trying to carry lazy or foolish people who have access to the same truth we have.

In the parable of the talents the servants were given responsibility according to their ability. The Lord does not expect us to achieve beyond our abilities, but we do need to rise to the occasion for what He has placed within us and in our hands. Some would make the excuse that the man with the one talent did not risk losing it and at least returned it to the Master. I'm reminded that the first commandment in the Bible and the purpose of mankind is to "Be fruitful and multiply." This man operated in fear and was called lazy and wicked before being cast out of the presence of the Master into darkness. Jesus reminded us that a seed has to be planted and "die" before it can produce a harvest. Paul wrote to Timothy, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind."

Today is a day to go forth boldly, plant seeds, make investments and fear only the Lord!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Online Tests

People are all the time taking online "tests" (seems to be especially popular on Facebook) to determine all sorts of things from interests to personality to where they ought to be to........
I ran across a test that caused me to do some real self-searching.

I was reading Matthew 23 in the Bible. In this chapter Jesus declares all sorts of "woes" to the Scribes and Pharisees, religious leaders of the day. I remember years ago (the 1980's) declaring that we in the modern church are the Scribes and Pharisees of our day.

I found myself doing a lot of self-examination, as I read through the various woes today. I found many that I have worked to overcome, some I still struggle with, and some a source of conviction. How important it is to spend more time "online" in the Bible and "online" in prayer in comparison to being "online" with the internet!!!!!

That is a modern day "woe to be heeded!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Significant Event


It has been three months since I last posted to this blog. I started doing this for my own benefit to give me the discipline to write and do some journaling, but........

Anyway, one of the most significant things in my life happened last week. My 35 year old son, Jody, called to tell me about an experience he had that morning. In his Thursday morning Bible study group, he challenged someone who talked about being a "secret disciple" Jody said there is no such thing. If you are a disciple, it guides you as a way of life.

He based it on something he remembers when he was a youngster going to Vacation Bible School and I came to speak to his class as the pastor of the church. He said I taught them that "Faith" is belief plus action. I gave the example of believing a chair would hold you up but faith was actually sitting in the chair, thus putting belief into action and operating on faith. He said he remembers that everytime he hears the word "faith" and uses it to guide him, as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. As Paul quoted, "The just shall live by faith."

Let's see all that Paul said in Romans 1:16-17:
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "The just shall live by faith."

Thank you, Jody, for fulfilling my ministry and reminding me to "practice what I preach."