Saturday, November 28, 2009

Prosperity of the Wicked

Psalm 73 is one of many Psalms in which the apparent prosperity of the "wicked" is addressed. In verse 3 the author even confesses that he was envious of the wicked who are boastful and prosperous. It is not the prosperity that makes one wicked. It is the lack of character.

Verse 6 speaks of their pride and violence. Their arrogance causes them to speak wickedly and even set their mouth against heaven and earth in verses 8 & 9. Most highly successful people are cold hearted and focused only on their own goals. Jeremiah saw this when he said to God, "You are in their mouth, but far from their mind" [literally, secret place of the heart - their soul] (Jer. 12:2).

This was a mystery to Asaph, author of Psalm 73, until he entered the sanctuary of God, His intimate presence. Then it was like the blinders fell off and he saw that instead of being at peace and ease the wicked are on a slippery slope to destruction and filled with terrors (vv. 18-19). By contrast he says in verse 26, "My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." He grieved over the wicked and his own ignorance, but quickly turned to the joy and peace of worshipping God.

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