Friday, May 15, 2009

Disciples of the Lord

Having just returned from a trip to Mexico, there is a lot stirring inside of me. While I was part of a team with the assignment of teaching about Five-Fold and Team Ministry, I think I'm the one that got the most out of it. Not that I learned a lot of new things, but having to dwell on the subject made me evaluate some of the things we ARE NOT doing well at the Church of LIFE.
For instance, we are not "making disciples" very well, which was the "Great Commission" of the Lord. Rather than focusing on discipling people in living by the word of God, we are hung up on solving petty problems that would be solved by a proper focus on the word and perhaps a little bit of specialty teaching/treaining. So..... back to the basics on making disciples, which involves being a disciple, discipling others, and releasing them to make disciples (of the Lord, not ourselves). A historical danger is that people begin to make disciples of themselves or a doctrine and become unbalanced, downright heretical, focused on a person other than Christ, or judgmental. We must keep the danger in mind and press forward with making disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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