Monday, August 11, 2008

First Blog

As I write my first blog, I sense a recovery of something lost a long time ago. God put within me an ability and a desire to communicate with people in a "KISS" fashion. Keeping it simple enough for anyone to understand keeps it simple enough for me to understand. For years I wrote and then produced a daily radio "thought for the day" that kept me fresh and received positive feed back from a number of people. Of course, experiences like the one with the lady who said rather loudly in a store, "Oh, I get up with you every day," also kept things humorous.

So, on this first Monday, I'm excited about a "restart" in my life. I pray anyone reading this will take a minute to evaluate anything they might need to "restart/recover" in their lives. I kind of feel like the "prodigal son" Jesus talked about. He had wandered pretty far away, but his father (God) was ready and waiting for him to come home and pick up where he left off. Today is just a day to come home and clean up so we can begin in earnest tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray this will bless many