Thursday, October 30, 2008

"The Lesson of the River" - Part 3

All sorts of Scritural images came to me, as I sought to learn "The Lesson of the River." I was reminded of the "Living Water" of Jesus in John 4 that is a fountain of life and thirst quenching. The people were like leaves not really a part until they were submerged (baptized) in the river.

As I moved out toward the main stream, I noticed some leaves that were stuck under water on the rocks. One was waving madly in the current. It reminded me of someone waving their arms in praise of the Lord, but going nowhere. They were submerged, but stuck. Only a change in the force of the water or their breaking a part would get them moving again. Some people are stuck and need to be "torn apart" ("pruned") in order to become part of the flow of the river. They are religious, but lack power. They are like Pharisees.

Some leaves were stuck motionless under the surface, but they too would have to be broken apart or somehow moved from where they were. They were not waving madly in the current putting on a religious show, but were flattened out, hopeless and seemed very sad. Like Sadducees, not believing in the resurrection of the dead.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"The Lesson of the River" - Part 2

As I walked up the riverbank toward an outcropping of rocks, I stopped and began to observe the river. Where I stood, the water was flowing upstream because it was not in the main current and was caught in a large eddy. I could tell the water was flowing that way because of leaves submerged in it. On the surface other leaves were also being carried along with the current. As the water circulated back toward the main stream, the submerged leaves were drawn into the main current, but those on the surface simply circulated back around in the reverse flow of the whirlpool. Only when the surface leaves were submerged in the flow did they truly become a part of the river, heading on downstream toward its purpose.

While I was standing there a gust of wind blew some leaves from the trees. They landed on the river at various places. Because they were on the surface, they got caught in the whirlpool effect. Most of the ones that landed in the mainstream were circulated around into the eddy. There were a very few that got caught in the rapids and were immediately submerged to become a part of the main flow of the river.

I began to see the river like "the river of life" and the leaves as people. Most of the leaves were on the surface, like most people who call themselves Christians. They want to be a part, but are not yet fully submerged into participation. People enter the process at various times and places, but it takes time to be immersed for most of them. They are floating on the surface going in circles and even against the main flow. They do not choose to be submerged, but are drawn into it by the river.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"The Lesson of the River" - Part 1

Over the next several days I would like to share with you an experience I had last week that greatly impacted me, especially as I seek to gain vision and direction for the very difficult and troubling times in which we live.

On Tue., Oct. 21, 2008, I was drawn "to the mountains" of Tellico Plains in order to spend quiet, uninterrupted time with the Lord. While there, I was drawn to the river. At first I parked beside it in a fairly busy pull-off, but sensed a leading of the Lord to another specific spot.

Again, I parked beside the road in a pull-off and opened the windows. I could hear the water of the river and enjoyed both the cool fall breeze and the bright sunshine that kept me warm. After reading the Bible for a while, I fell asleep. Upon awakening I heard the Lord say, "Go down to the river." I had been to this spot before and heard the Lord speak at that time. In my mind it was a little like Jacob going back to Bethel (Genesis chapters 28 & 35), so I went out on the rocks where He had spoken before. Very quickly I was led to go upstream to another set of rocks. On the way the Lord said,"Learn the lesson of the river."

I have found that usually when we need to hear clearly from the Lord, we also need to go to special places where we can be alone with Him. This whole experience related to the lesson of the river lasted only a couple of hours. When God is drawing, He is ready to speak. When we are seeking Him in our timing and ways, He is often silent. If you are needing to hear from the Lord, ask Him to draw you and then be ready to move quickly. Jacob was actually running both times He encountered God at Bethel. Until God is ready to speak, peacefully keep doing what He gave you to do last time He spoke direction, purpose, and/or vision into your life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Back to Bethel"

I remember a sermon entitled, "Back to Bethel." I don't remember who preached it, but I do remember that I have had several "Bethel experiences" in my life. The text was in Genesis 28:10-22 and told Jacob's experience at Bethel, where he had the dream about the ladder into heaven with angels ascending and descending. God spoke to him at Bethel.

When it was finally time for Jacob to return home and face his brother Esau, God told him to go to Bethel and dwell (Genesis 35:1-15). As instructed, he also built an altar. As he worshipped, God appeared to Jacob again, changed his name to Israel, renewed the command to mankind to "be fruitful and multiply" and gave him a promise.

"Bethel" means "house of God" and is a special place in one's life at which God speaks. The first time Jacob was there, God surprised Him by appearing and speaking. The second time, God instructed him to go "Back to Bethel." When Jacob obeyed the command to go back to Bethel, he was incredibly blessed.

Many times we are seeking a "word from the Lord" and will do all sorts of things trying to hear from Him. Unfortunately during these times of seeking, many plans and ideas are fabricated and have God's name attached to them, when God didn't have anything to do with them. While it is essential to listen to God at all times, life changing words from the Lord come at His time and direction, and don't come often. Jacob had spent at least 14 years with his uncle, Laban, in between his experiences at Bethel where God gave Him life changing experiences.

In my "Bethel Experiences" I have found that it is important to keep on doing what God gave me to do at the last encounter until He calls for the next meeting. He calls us "Back to Bethel" when He is ready, not just because we go there seeking Him in our timing.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Praying 'The Word'"

A lot of people say they don't pray because they do not know how to pray. Of course, Jesus' response to the disciples' request for teaching on how to pray was the "Model Prayer" or "Lord's Prayer." That is a good place not only to pray but also to study this prayer for understanding of what Jesus was saying to pray.

Sometimes you hear people say, "Pray the word" by which they mean pray what the Bible is saying. A great example is in the "Apostolic Prayers" of Paul that can be found in his letters to the various churches and people.

This morning I was praying one of the "Apostolic Prayers" for the people of our church and others for whom I pray regularly. It is found in Ephesians 1:15-21 and is a prayer for spiritual wisdom and the knowledge of the power of the resurrection. When Paul said "you" or "your," I put the person's name in that place. Not only was I then "praying the word" but also was praying specifically for that person.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Morning Prayer

Last night I went to bed with the news of a deadly shooting in a Knoxville mall, another huge drop in the Dow Industrial Average, the political pandering of a presidential election, and other reports I've already forgotten in the mountain of "bad news."


I awoke with a prayer in my heart that pushed out of my mouth. It was a prayer of praise and joy because of the goodness of God who orders my footsteps and authors and finishes my life. I wrote a note of excitement to people for whom I pray. I prayed they would accomplish what was ahead of them in the next few days and gather on Sunday to celebrate because of what God had enabled them to do - and this in the face of all the bad news.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Peace or Panic

Last night I was teaching a Bible study from the 27th chapter of Acts in which Paul is shipwrecked. As I read about the chaos on the ship, I was reminded of a favorite little ditty that describes most people: "When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout."

My sense was that Paul acted like Jesus who slept in the back of a storm tossed boat, while professional fishermen feared for their lives. Rather than being in a panic, he was at peace and even had a divine visitation from an angel.

We are living in very stormy times. National and international news can easily produce feelings of panic, danger, worry and doubt. For some, personal issues easily produce blindness to the world, but produce the same feelings.

But born again believers in Christ Jesus have a choice to the feelings of panic. We can choose to "walk according to the Spirit" by focusing on the Lord and His purposes for our day and lives. We can choose to worship Him in the midst of the storms and give thanks for His grace and mercy. We can choose to sing a song of praise to Him or read a psalm of praise instead of listening to our 14th commentary of the days news. We can choose to minister to the needs of others rather than seek ministry for our. Doing any or all of these or other means of walking according to the Spirit produces the fruit of peace because we are recognizing that God is in control and we can trust our lives and circumstances to Him.