Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Ministry of the Saints"

As I prayed today for the people I pastor, I found myself praying 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. Many times we quote verse 6 about sowing and reaping or verse 7 about being a cheerful giver. Perhaps we go to verse 8 about abundance or verse 10 about the supply of seed.

But do we read the parts about increasing our righteousness (v. 10) or thanksgiving in verse 11? How about the purpose of God being glorified (v. 13) by those who observe the ministry of the saints?

My prayer is that we will do all things with integrity and excellence in our dealings with each other and the world around us. So often God is anything but glorified because a "Christian" lies, cheats, does poor work, is slothful, gossips, or some other way misrepresents God.

I pray for myself that all I do today will represent my Heavenly Father well and cause others to glorify Him!!!

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